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The Pulmo-Face
A double blind peer reviewed journal of pulmonary science
Official Publication of the
Institute of Pulmocare and Research

Details of Each Type of Manuscript

The recommended word count and number of references for each category of the article is forwarded herewith:

Types of article Number of words Number of references Further details
Editorial ± 500 10-15  
Original Research 3000 with abstract (250 words) 25-35  
Short review (on very selected topics) 1000-2000 words 25-40  
Reviews 3000-6000 50-100  
Journal scan* 200-300 per journal article - May attach short discussion of 200-300 words with 2-5 reference
Short paper / case series 800-1500 15  
Letter to Editor      
  1. Scientific content
Upto 500 ± one chart/figure 10  
  1. Reply/remarks on published
Upto 300 4-5  
New development / horizon (discussion on new topics, innovation, technology, development etc) Upto 3000 words 20-30  
Interactive forum (Discussion on an issue on Q & A format) 3000 20-40  
Book review Upto 300 - -
Obituary Upto 300 - Photo may be added
Lateral thinking / opinion Upto 3000 Any number  
Other (as desired by the author) may be an observation Upto 400    
  1. Rejected article forum*
Upto 2000 words 20-30  
  1. Case presentation
600-1200 15  
  1. Observation
400-1200 10  
  1. Reporting adverse event forum*/ drug reaction
200-1000 10  
  1. Any other scientific valued observation
200-1200 10  
  1. Students’ forum**
500-1500 10  
  1. Society and medicine#
500-1500 10  
  1. Ideas and innovations#*
500-1500 10  
  1. Special articles (new developments, note of experience, interactive sessions, experience and observations, innovative ideas and alike)
Upto: 3000 As desired; no compulsion  
  1. Cover page picture and
picture of the month ##
Up to 50
Up to 500
Up to 10
Should explain the cover page and the salient findings in the picture.Should describe the picture, discuss the interpretations and the differential. diagnose.


*Preferably needs to be relevant to clinical practice or having likely impact on the clinical practice in future. This section is meant for original research been apparently not appreciated by one or more journals while the authors feel that it is a very important issue to be published. The authors need to clarify the relevance separately through a letter to the editor at the submission of the manuscript.

**The forum is meant for scientific issues been raised by medical students (both the undergraduate and postgraduate students)

# This section is meant to deal with social issues related to medicine and Medical issues related to society.

## The cover page is decided to carry illustrations of a disease or an issue of importance with black and white or colored pictures. A short description up to 50 words (no reference) is allowed for the cover picture. The author (at most three) will be acknowledged in the ‘content’ page. The picture of the month will be published as a regular content when ever available.