Frequently asked questions

  • How to get an appointment?
        ⦁ Call these phone number [8274081205 / 8017990424 during working hours (on weekdays between 10-15 am to 4.45 pm, (except Thursday, from 2 pm to 5 pm)] to get appointment for consultation.
       ⦁ Interactive appointment system for appointment is also available for weekend and beyond working hrs. – (Phone no 8017990424). We will contact you within 48 working hours to fix date and time of your appointment. This facility is placed now on experimental basis; may be withdrawn in future.
    (if a patient’s condition is serious, please do not waste time and take him or her to the nearest hospital without delay and let us know the details at the earliest through what’s-app message for our record)


  • How to get quick appointment?
    First take the available date for appointment. [Call phone. No. 8274081205 / 8017990424 during working hours (on week days 10-15 am to 4.45 pm, (except Thursday, during 2 pm to 5 pm)]
    ⦁ Simultaneously or later, you request the staff at the same no to register your name in the emergency waiting list. We will try to accommodate your request at the earliest feasible opportunity.
    ⦁ In case, you get a date on emergency basis after booking as usual, then please request us to cancel the previous appointment date. This will help other emergency patients can also get appointment sooner.


  • What is ‘reporting’?
    If a doctor asks to know the status of the concerned patent or show the results of any investigation within the one month (maximum) of the last consultation visit.
    N.B. – Do not take the patient with you to report the doctor. Often for nominal or silly reasons, patients are brought in ‘reporting’. It wastes important time and deprive sick patients from their due. Usually, reporting is minimally charged or altogether complimentary. But, in case of ‘induced’ long duration interactions, it will be chargeable.


  • What to do if my patient is suddenly sick?
    If the patient’s condition is seems serious or worsening, take the patient to the nearest hospital without any delay. Please inform us simultaneously.
    ⦁ No inhouse facilities and emergency services are available here at the Institute.


  • Are small children treated here?
    Children from the age of 12 years onwards are treated here.


  • What all investigations are available here?
Investigations available here as follows:
Inhouse In collaboration
  • Hematology
  • Sleep study
  • Basic biochemistry
  • HRCT chest
  • Radiology
  •  2CT
  • Collagen and myositis profile
  • 6MWT
  • HP profile
  • Spirometry
  • Right Heart Catheterization
  • DLCO
  • Lung Perfusion Scan
  •  FOT
  • ECG
  • IOS
  • Echodoppler
  • FENO
  • Bodybox (plethysmography)

We have selected collaboration with difference renowned institutes/authorities for selective tests.


  • How can get a concession on investigation?
    You have to submit your application at the reception desk, addressing to the secretary, Institute of Pulmocare & Research, mentioning your concession requirement with proper document.
    We try and arrange concession for our patients whenever possible. Our consultants report HRCT/CT Chest on wet films of HRCT Chest complimentary to keep the cost low (1600 to 2000 INR)

For convenience we have arranged concessional package, for our patients.

  • COPD package  (click to see details)
  • DPLD package (click to see details)
  • Asthma package (click to see details)
  • Bronchiectasis (click to see details)


  •  How can I contact doctor on phone for my help?
    Call on this numbers (8274081205 on week days 12 noon to 2 pm, except Thursday) mentioning your registration ID, active mobile number, and narrate your requirement. We will call you back usually within the same working day with our note or let you talk to your doctor (if feasible).
    Any medical advice over telephone is not legally acceptable. In case any suggestion with a drug is given, it includes the precondition of concurrence from your locally treating physician.


  • I have lost my records, what to do?
    You have to submit your application at the reception desk with your proper identity mentioning your requirement of duplicate records. If it is available here, we will try to provide you the duplicate copy (PDF/Jpeg) within a reasonable time against a service charge.


  • How to reach the place from Bidhannagar railway station?
    To reach us you need to reach the Biswabangla Gate/Narkelbagan in NewTown. This is the most prominent point in New Town. From there, you have to go towards the Newtown Techno International College. Just cross the college and find a road (Street number 358) going to your left towards the New Town DPS School. Follow it and soon you find our Institute on the left-hand side, just beside Sister Nivedita University. (see google map).
    (Bus route number from Bidhanagar railway station: S-30, K1, KB-16, KB-22, 260, Biadhannagar-Shapoorji AC Bus), Bus stoppage: OHIO Hospital.


  • Is it open on Sunday?
    No, it is not open on Sundays.


  • Do you have any indoor and emergency facilities?
    No inhouse facilities and emergency services are available here.


  • Do you perform Sleep Study?
    Presently, we get your sleep study done at your home and in some renowned centres through collaborations.


  • Whom do you include for research?
    We include people who volunteer to participate in a research on written informed consents only if one qualifies for the purpose on permission from the doctor concerned. Such inclusions are based on the demands of a study ongoing at a point of time.


  • What are the advantages in getting enrolled in a research project?
    There are certain advantages as

    • the patients are more closely monitored
    • getting an appointment on scheduled date is assisted
    • in sponsored studies a lot of investigations are made complimentary
    • in non-sponsored studies we try significant concessions /waiver of some investigation costs (no unnecessary tests are done from the patient’s perspective)
    • better communication access is given to the participants through the co-ordinators
    • in sponsored drug trials (we rarely indulged into), the medication is also supplied by the sponsor for a selected duration; it goes free of cost to the participants


  • Do you have a canteen at the institute?
    No, we do not have canteen at our premises, but there are several street-food stalls and a few restaurants nearby (within 2 minutes of walking distance).


  • What about space for car parking?
    We do not have enough car parking space in our premises, but there is car parking area (provided by NKDA) just outside of our campus.


  • What are your benevolent activities?
    • Nearly all our researches and effort are sort of ‘game changer’ and they have direct positive impact on the patients. We consider that as our direct best benevolent activity where our minds matter more than ‘cash help’.
    • Concession: In every year, despite our financial limitations we have provided substantial direct concessions to our outdoor patients and arrange indirect concession of huge amount by making them to avail subsidized investigations etc. through our efforts. Apart, we always try to help with free medication from small donations from our colleagues, pharmaceuticals and drug trials.
    • We have arranged 20% concession on medicine at our pharmacy counter.
    • We have made the rate of investigations much subsidized.


  • How can I join your research program?
    You can drop your resume here. Whenever we recruit for any research project, we will review your resume also.